Vision Bee Museum Grüningen
The living museum

Prof. Dr Jürgen Tautz, retired:
How can we expect people to value and protect something if they don't even know it?
Over 30 years ago, beekeeper Paul Rüttimann and other helpers began to intensively collect all kinds of things used in beekeeping. At present, the Grüningen Beekeeping Museum is a small, regional museum, which explains the activities of beekeepers and exhibits many pieces of equipment. A museum group from the Hinwil Beekeepers' Association runs the museum on a voluntary basis. In July 24, the Hinwil Beekeepers' Association decided to transfer the museum's sponsorship to the Bee and Beekeeping Museum Association who is planning a new museum.
In late summer 2024, the municipality suggested a new location. This would also be absolutely ideal from our point of view. However, a change of location presents us with new challenges. We are currently reviewing the new situation. This possible reorientation will set us back at least a year, as the municipal vote on our project scheduled for December 24 has passed. But if successful, the new project would open up completely new perspectives. Until concrete steps are taken, we are not yet able to communicate more details publicly.
Our museum will be one of the only natural history museums in Switzerland and even Europe that is dedicated to one species of animal. The aim is to present the public and experts with a well-founded overview of all aspects of wild and honey bees. In addition to specific perspectives on insects, the focus is on ecological contexts such as habitat, biodiversity in urban areas and our interaction with these insects and our environment. The aim of the museum is to familiarise the general public with the bee as a living being. It also aims to enable specialists to familiarise themselves with specific topics.
The new bee museum focuses on the following points:
- Fascination with bees in a broad sense (wild and honey bees): The focus is on topics such as biology/habitat/mythology/cultural history.
- Biodiversity: A large bee area with various habitats and appropriate food sources.
- Bees and the environment: Topics such as food supply/breeding/problems with honey bees.
- Insights into modern research activities to bees.
- Beekeeping: Representative show of today's beekeeping practice. Various Trends and types of beekeeping show.
- Intangible cultural heritage: Making the extensive collection of historical "beehives", equipment and artefacts from earlier times accessible to the public and researchers.
- Orientation about various bee products (honey, wax, pollen, propolis, remedies, mead, etc.)
- Education: a museum for the general public as well as for specialists. The focus is particularly on educational programmes for schools and families.
- Provide training opportunities for entomologists and beekeepers.
- Be a platform for social discourse on all aspects of beekeeping.
- Sponsorship: Involvement of as many organisations as possible that are dedicated to bees (beekeepers' associations, federations, research centres, etc.) Participatory involvement is the main focus.
- Networking: Integration of the museum into the Association of Museums in Switzerland, VSM, taking into account all required conditions.
- Tourist offer: Cooperation with various tourism organisations.
- Broad-based funding from foundations, the public sector, patrons' associations and sponsoring.
Think and participate!
If you would like to get involved, please contact the president, Beat Hofmann. Tel. 044/935 56 56;
Benefactors' Association Bee Museum
In addition, another association was founded: the Benefactors' Association Bee Museum has the purpose of collecting donations for the museum. Every person who donates to the museum becomes a patron member. They will be informed about the progress of the project and will have free admission to the museum in future. We hope that many people will support the project. Any amount helps! This association is also tax-exempt.
Donation account: CH21 0840 1000 0714 2763 5
By the end of 2025 Realisation phase 1: This includes the planning and financing of the project. From mid-2026 Realisation phase 2 with construction of the property and implementation of the project. Opening of the bee museum at the end of 2027.
BeABee Association
Im Chratz 16, CH-8627 Grüningen, Tel. +41 (0)44 935 56 56,, IBAN CH97 0070 0110 0041 8111 7
Copyright 2025: BeABee, Grüningen - Web configuration: Photos & Graphics Stuck, 8732 Neuhaus SG