BeABee Association
The purpose of the BeABee association is to promote beekeeping in science, art, education and outreach.
BeABee is not a beekeepers' association.
The association sees itself as a platform around the topic of bees (including wild bees) and supports various projects according to its possibilities.
What we support ...
Besides the Sound installation the association supports the concerns of the Biocentre of the University of Würzburg
The Tirggel campaign in aid of the association's funds at the Grüningen Bailiffs' Market 2013 was a complete success: 600 Tirggels were sold that weekend. More Tirggels, handmade by the Tirggel Bakery Honegger in Wald, were available in the museum shop during the exhibition.
The art cards with beautiful macro images of Thomas Ruf also. The association also produced a card campaign for HOBOS. Free of charge, visitors to the museum were offered this unusual picture handed in.

The association has also made sounds from its collection available to the Office for the South-East Rügen Biosphere Reserve (D) and the State Garden Show in Würzburg (D). It also participates in the project of Martin Dettli with his project Bee trail in Nenzlingen BL.
"Seeley Boxes"
In 2016, the association installed three "Seeley boxes" (named after the bee researcher Thomas Seeley) in the Grüningen forests. This is linked to the idea that in the optimal boxes honey bees have a chance to survive and re-release. One box has survived so far. The second and third were torn from the tree during a storm and have since been converted by mice into their dwelling place. And lo and behold, in June 2019 a swarm suddenly nested in the one that was still there. We left it alone high up in the tree and did not look after it. Unfortunately, it did not survive the winter (which we expected)!
AWorking Group Bee Museum
Our association supports the working group of the association founded in 2019 Grüningen Bee and Beekeeping Museum (BIM). This working group is planning a contemporary museum that communicates the importance of bees and how to deal with them to the general public and the professional public.
The association is always happy to receive donations! Our account details are below.
Board of Directors
President: Beat Hofmann
Vice President: René Nötzli
BeABee Association
Im Chratz 16
CH-8627 Grüningen
Account details: Verein Be A Bee, Zürcher Kantonalbank, 8010 Zurich, Kto 80-151-4,
IBAN: CH97 0070 0110 0041 8111 7
BeABee Association
Im Chratz 16, CH-8627 Grüningen, Tel. +41 (0)44 935 56 56,, IBAN CH97 0070 0110 0041 8111 7
Copyright 2025: BeABee, Grüningen - Web configuration: Photos & Graphics Stuck, 8732 Neuhaus SG