Sound installation "be a bee
Artistic realisation of a research work
Travelling to a state where you can never stay.
To join a people and never belong to them.
Stepping into a space that remains closed to you.
Spreading out in a dwelling without being invited.
Listening to a language you don't understand.
Singing along without knowing if you will be heard.
And finally step out again without being able to fly away.

"be a bee" is a transdisciplinary sound sculpture by Beat Hofmann and Andrew Phillips.
She audibly offers insights into the mysterious life of bees and lets people sing with the bees.
The audience experiences a kind of metamorphosis: In the Beehive (yellow cube) they are completely enveloped by bee sounds, as if they were part of them. In the Approach corridor (red steles), singing people "fly around" the listening person together with the bees.
A transition from animal sound to cultural sound, from natural sound to aesthetic sound expression.
From research to art
"be a bee" is an artistic response to the research project From the sound of the beesThe bee moves us, sharpens our perception and shows itself to us in a new form. More information (PDF).
After the first exhibition at the Zoological Museum of the University of Zurich (2013/2014), the art installation complementing the special exhibition Bees - endangered wonder world at Museum to All Saints' Day 2015 as a guest. By placing it in the changing room of the Kunstmuseum, the exhibition organisers spanned an arc from natural science to art. In 2020, "be a bee" was a guest at the Natural History Museum Fribourg as a solo exhibition. In 2023/2024 beeabee was part of the exhibition Être(s)ensemble of the Geneva Ethnographic Museum. This exhibition was dedicated to human perception of plants and animals. The sound installation reflects the auditory approach to nature.
The composition by Beat Hofmann and Andrew Phillips transfers the Nature sound into a Art sound. An ad hoc choir was inspired by the sounds, movements and behaviour of bees to create new forms of expression. Further information on the composition (PDF).
In addition to the installation, there are always public guided tours. Likewise, beekeepers from the Hinwil and Zurich Beekeepers' Associations gave accompanying presentations of their craft at the Zoological Museum of the University of Zurich. Further information.
Around 300 pupils from primary schools in the canton of Zurich were able to take part in workshops on the subject of From Sound of the bees at the Zoological Museum of the University of Zurich.
Persons involved in the project:
- Idea and concept: Beat Hofmann
- Composition: Beat Hofmann, Andrew Phillips
- Sound design: Andrew Phillips, Beat Hofmann
- Scenography: Beat Hofmann, Françoise Krattinger-Borrego Iglesias, Barbara Schück,
- Beekeepers: Barbara Schück, Annemarie Brunner, Angelina Birchler
- Scientific advice: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Tautz, Biocentre University of Würzburg
- Film: Beat Krapf, Beat Hofmann
- Vocal soloist: Dorothea Frey
- Choir singers: Laila Barakat, Nicola Benedetti, Renate Bernasconi, Louisa Bernet, Doris Binzegger, Rosina Caprez, Rosanna Carbone, Arno Erdmann, Jan Fischer, Nico Frommherz, Ruth Füllemann Gut, Julian Glaus, Jessica Gnepf, Beat Hofmann, Erika Hug, Judith Koller, Severin Krug, Ramona Kupschina, Newa Lusti, Ueli Nagel, Kosal Oum, Daniel Peterhans, Beat Römer, Margrit Rosenfelder, Elias Staubli, Romina Vogel, Hans-Peter Volkart, Christine Wepfer Müller, Marion Zurkirchen, Jeffrey Zweidler
- Honey bees: Apis mellifera carnica
BeABee Association
Im Chratz 16, CH-8627 Grüningen, Tel. +41 (0)44 935 56 56,, IBAN CH97 0070 0110 0041 8111 7
Copyright 2025: BeABee, Grüningen - Web configuration: Photos & Graphics Stuck, 8732 Neuhaus SG