Sound installation SUMMIT
I am a musician.
What if I lose my balance and fall into someone else's thing?
To a place where I have nothing to say as a musician, nothing to sing as a singer?
Sound installation SUMMIT

SUMMIT is the name of the sound installation and is a sounding bee hive that the listener can pull over his or her own head. In this way, the listener is immersed in the hidden sound world of the bees, penetrates the unheard space of a state, suddenly perceives human voices and can join in the singing himself. In this way, the listener also becomes a singer and, like the bees, moves between the inner world and the outer space.
SUMMIT was shown as part of the 2013 diploma exhibition of the Zurich University of the Arts, ZHdK, on the occasion of the final theses of the Master of Arts in Transdisciplinarity.
Further exhibitions: 2013 Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FIBL, 2014 Beekeeping Museum Grüningen, 2019 Environmental Festival Kloten.
Those involved in the project:
- Beat Hofmann, concept, composition and vocals
- Andrew Phillips, sound engineering and sound design
- Effi Tanner, Electronics
- Beat Krapf, Film
Press: Article in the Limmattaler Zeitung, 11.6.2013 by Alfred Borter
BeABee Association
Im Chratz 16, CH-8627 Grüningen, Tel. +41 (0)44 935 56 56,, IBAN CH97 0070 0110 0041 8111 7
Copyright 2025: BeABee, Grüningen - Web configuration: Photos & Graphics Stuck, 8732 Neuhaus SG