beeactive - a learning app
We recommend for teaching about bees and biodiversity: the augmented reality app beeactive!
Beeactive is a digital geo-game in which students take care of virtual bee colonies and feed them with suitable plants in the environment. In order to use the plants to feed the virtual bees, they are photographed and identified using an integrated interface to the app Flora Incognita. The app opens up a playful approach to floristic species knowledge and combines this with factual knowledge about the ecology of bees as well as about important connections in living nature.
The app was developed by Prof. Jürgen Tautz (University of Würzburg) and beekeeper Florian Schimpf and is available for download free of charge.
Please note that Greenpeace's bees in primary school teaching material can be ordered from
Articles about beeactiv
Learn playfully with the bee app beeactive Interview by Petra Pintscher with Prof. Jürgen Tautz, initiator of this learning app.
Bees: Way of life and protection (Pdf): from "Digital Unterrichten Biologie", Praxis pur, 9/21
beeactive - Plant diversity to protect bees (Pdf): Detailed explanations about the app by Helga Rolletschek
More articles
Evolution's stroke of genius: Article in Rotary magazine 08/24 by Jürgen Tautz
Maybe they do have a consciousness after all: Article in the Frankfurt General Newspaper from 3.9.22 by Jürgen Tautz
BeABee Association
Im Chratz 16, CH-8627 Grüningen, Tel. +41 (0)44 935 56 56,, IBAN CH97 0070 0110 0041 8111 7
Copyright 2025: BeABee, Grüningen - Web configuration: Photos & Graphics Stuck, 8732 Neuhaus SG